Create a new release

Bump commit

Common step to create a release:

  • Make sure the tests pass.

  • The first step to create a release is to update the Changelog. The changelogs are written in the file CHANGES.rst at the project directory root, to make a release create a new entry in this file.

  • Change the version name in oar/ and in pyproject.toml.

  • Create a new commit with this changes, named Bump version to <version_number>.

Release for Debian

The package definition for the debian packages are located in the branch debian/3.0.0. This branch contains the source that will be packaged, and the definitions on the packages. When a new OAR3 version has been release, it is necessary to merge the debian branch with the release commit.

Currently the branch debian/3.0.0. contains the debian packages for debian bookworm (future stable) and the branch bullseye/3.0.0 contains the package for debian bullseye the current stable.


The bullseye branch has one commit to make OAR3 compatible with SQLAlchemy 1.3. Once the branch debian/3.0.0 has been updated, the branch bullseye/3.0.0 can be created by adding the aforementioned commit to the branch debian/3.0.0 (using git cherry-pick for instance).

Generate the debian packages from sources

The package for debian can be generated with the scripts located in misc/deb-gen. This entry script ./ will pull the debian/3.0.0 branch and build the package in a docker container (so you can generate the package from another distribution).

Generate .deb:

# Clone oar3
git clone

# Generate packages
cd misc/deb-gen && ./

# Get the python package python3-oar*.deb to your OAR server and install with
dpkg -i python3-oar*.deb


For debian bullseye change the variable BRANCHE_NAME in oar3/mis/deb-gen/ for bullseye/3.0.

Automated package generation with github action

The workflow defined in .github/workflows/debian-generation.yml is triggered when a new tag starting with 3 (e.g. 3.0.0.dev3) is pushed. It will automatically create a github release, generate the debian packages and attach it to the release page of github.

The chain of actions to take to create a release is (IN THIS ORDER):

  • Create a commit for the release (with message bump to <new version>)

  • Then, merge the debian/3.0 branch with the new commit.

  • Push the master and the debian branch.

  • Wait for CI to pass.

  • Now, you can tag the master commit with <new version> and then push the tag.


Before pushing the tag, ensure that the branches containing the debian packages are up to date. Otherwise the generated packages will contain the old release.