Source code for oar.modules.greta

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
This module is responsible of the advanced management of the standby mode of the
nodes. It's related to the energy saving features of OAR. It is an optional module
activated with the ENERGY_SAVING_INTERNAL=yes configuration variable.

It runs as a fourth :mod:`oar.modules.almigthy` daemon and opens a pipe on which it receives commands
from the MetaScheduler. It also communicates with a library called "WindowForker"
that is responsible of forking shut-down/wake-up commands in a way that not too much
commands are started at a time.


This module is responsible of waking up / shutting down nodes
when the scheduler decides it (writes it on a named pipe)

`CHECK` command is sent on the zmq PULL socket to :mod:`oar.modules.greta` from different modules:

- By :mod:`oar.kao.meta_sched` if there is no node to wake up / shut down in order.
    - to check timeout and check memorized nodes list <TODO>
    - to check booting nodes status
- TOFINISH: Greta will integrate window guarded launching processes
- By windowForker module:
    - to avoid zombie process
    - to messages received in queue (IPC)

Example of received message:

.. code-block:: JSON

        "cmd": "WAKEUP",
        "nodes": ["node1", "node2" ]

import os
import os.path
import pickle
import re
import socket
import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool, TimeoutError
from typing import List, Union

import zmq

import as tools
from oar.lib.configuration import Configuration
from oar.lib.database import wait_db_ready
from oar.lib.event import add_new_event_with_host
from oar.lib.globals import get_logger, init_and_get_session, init_config, init_oar
from oar.lib.node import (

config, db = init_oar(no_db=True)
logger = get_logger("oar.modules.greta", forward_stderr=True)

# Fill the timeouts hash with the different timeouts
[docs]def fill_timeouts(str_timeouts): """ Timeout to consider a node broken (suspected) if it has not woken up The value can be an integer of seconds or a set of pairs. For example, "1:500 11:1000 21:2000" will produce a timeout of 500 seconds if 1 to 10 nodes have to wakeup, 1000 seconds if 11 t 20 nodes have to wake up and 2000 seconds otherwise. ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKEUP_TIMEOUT="900" """ timeouts = {} if isinstance(str_timeouts, int): timeouts[1] = str_timeouts elif re.match(r"^\s*\d+\s*$", str_timeouts): timeouts[1] = int(str_timeouts) else: # Remove front and final spaces str_timeouts = re.sub(r"^\s+|\s+$", "", str_timeouts) for str_nb_timeout in re.split(r"\s+", str_timeouts): # Each couple of values is only composed of digits separated by colon if re.match(r"^\d+:\d+$", str_nb_timeout): nb_timeout = re.split(r":", str_nb_timeout) timeouts[int(nb_timeout[0])] = int(nb_timeout[1]) else: logger.warning(nb_timeout + " is not a valid couple for a timeout") if not timeouts: timeouts[1] = 900 logger.warning( "Timeout not properly defined, using default value: " + str(timeouts[1]) ) return timeouts
# Choose a timeout based on the number of nodes to wake up
[docs]def get_timeout(timeouts, nb_nodes): timeout = timeouts[1] # Search for the timeout of the corresponding interval for nb in sorted(timeouts.keys()): if nb_nodes < nb: break timeout = timeouts[nb] return timeout
[docs]class GretaClient(object): """Greta client part used by metascheduler to interact with Greta server""" def __init__(self, config, logger): self.logger = logger self.config = config # Initialize zeromq context self.context = zmq.Context() self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.socket.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER, 5000 ) # To allow client program exit if Greta is not ready try: self.socket.connect( "tcp://" + config["GRETA_SERVER"] + ":" + str(config["GRETA_PORT"]) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to connect to Greta: {e}") exit(1)
[docs] def check_nodes(self): self.socket.send_json({"cmd": "CHECK"})
[docs] def halt_nodes(self, nodes): self.socket.send_json({"cmd": "HALT", "nodes": nodes})
[docs] def wake_up_nodes(self, nodes): self.socket.send_json({"cmd": "WAKEUP", "nodes": nodes})
[docs]class Greta(object): def __init__(self, config, logger):"Initiating Greta, the energy saving module") self.logger = logger self.config: Configuration = config self.exit_code: int = 0 # Intialize zeromq context self.context = zmq.Context() # IP addr is required when bind function is used on zmq socket ip_addr_greta = socket.gethostbyname(config["GRETA_SERVER"]) self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) try: self.socket.bind("tcp://" + ip_addr_greta + ":" + str(config["GRETA_PORT"])) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to bind Greta endpoint: {e}") exit(1) # # self.executors_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) # try: # self.socket.bind('ipc://tmp/oar_executor_notification') # except: # logger.error('Failed to bind Greta endpoint to receive executor notifications') # exit(1) # self.executors_socket.RCVTIMEO = 0 # Set to non-blocking socket self.timeouts = fill_timeouts( config["ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKEUP_TIMEOUT"] ) self.executors = [] # if (config['ENERGY_SAVING_WINDOW_FORKER_BYPASS'] == 'no']: # self.max_executors = -1 # else: self.max_executors: int = int(config["ENERGY_SAVING_WINDOW_FORKER_SIZE"]) # Load state if exists self.nodes_list_command_running = {} self.nodes_list_to_remind = {} self.greta_status_dump_name = ( config["OAR_RUNTIME_DIRECTORY"] + "greta_status.dump" ) if os.path.isfile(self.greta_status_dump_name): with open(self.greta_status_dump_name, "rb") as f: greta_status_dump = pickle.load(f) self.nodes_list_command_running = greta_status_dump[ "nodes_list_running" ] self.nodes_list_to_remind = greta_status_dump["nodes_list_to_remind"] # with open('obj/'+ name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: # os.remove(self.greta_status_dump_name) # Init keepalive values ie construct a hash: # sql properties => number of nodes to keepalive # given the ENERGY_SAVING_NODES_KEEPALIVE variable such as: # "cluster=paradent:nodes=4,cluster=paraquad:nodes=6" # Number of nodes to keepalive per properties: # $keepalive{<properties>}{"min"}=int # Number of nodes currently alive and with no jobs, per properties: # $keepalive{<properties>}{"cur_idle"}=int # List of nodes corresponding to properties: # $keepalive{<properties>}{"nodes"}=@; self.keepalive: dict[str, dict[str, Union[List[str], int]]] = {} str_keepalive = config["ENERGY_SAVING_NODES_KEEPALIVE"] if not re.match(r".+:\d+,*", str_keepalive): logger.error("Syntax error into ENERGY_SAVING_NODES_KEEPALIVE !") self.exit_code = 3 return else: for keepalive_item in str_keepalive.split(","): prop_nb = keepalive_item.split(":") properties = prop_nb[0] nb_nodes = prop_nb[1] if not re.match(r"^(\d+)$", nb_nodes): logger.error( "Syntax error into ENERGY_SAVING_NODES_KEEPALIVE ! (not an integer)" ) self.exit_code = 2 return self.keepalive[properties] = {"nodes": [], "min": int(nb_nodes)} logger.debug("Keepalive(" + properties + ") => " + nb_nodes) self.window_forker = WindowForker( config["ENERGY_SAVING_WINDOW_FORKER_SIZE"], config["ENERGY_SAVING_WINDOW_TIMEOUT"], config, logger, ) # TODO # my $count_cycles; #
[docs] def run(self, session=None, loop=True): logger = self.logger config = self.config"Starting Greta's main loop") nodes_list_to_process = {} nodes_list_to_remind = self.nodes_list_to_remind # Node list with active command running (HALT or WAKEUP) nodes_list_command_running = self.nodes_list_command_running keepalive: dict[str, dict[str, Union[List[str], int]]] = self.keepalive count_cycles: int = 1 def wait_db(): # wait db at launch try: session = init_and_get_session(config) wait_db_ready(get_alive_nodes_with_jobs, args=[session]) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to contact database: {e}") exit(1) return session if session is None: session = wait_db() while True: self.window_forker.check_executors( session, config, nodes_list_command_running ) # Is this blocking ? message = self.socket.recv_json() command = message["cmd"] nodes = [] if "nodes" in message: nodes = message["nodes"] if command == "CHECK": logger.debug("Got request: " + command) else: logger.debug("Got request: " + command + " for nodes: " + str(nodes)) # Identify idle and occupied nodes all_occupied_nodes = get_alive_nodes_with_jobs(session) # Gets nodes that are absent and that are available (using available_upto) nodes_that_can_be_waked_up = get_nodes_that_can_be_waked_up( session, tools.get_date( session ), # FIXME: should we add a tolerance time period ? ) # For each properties, check if the number of nodes running is # above the minimal number specified in ENERGY_SAVING_NODES_KEEPALIVE for properties in keepalive.keys(): # Tuples containing ("network_address", "state", "next_state") nodes_with_property = get_nodes_with_given_sql(session, properties) # Reset idle number keepalive[properties]["current_idle"] = 0 # Keeping track of all nodes with the given property keepalive[properties]["nodes"]: List[str] = [ p[0] for p in nodes_with_property ] alive_nodes: List[str] = [ p[0] for p in nodes_with_property if p[1] == "Alive" or p[2] == "Alive" ] occupied_nodes = [ node for node in alive_nodes if node in all_occupied_nodes ] idle_nodes = [ node for node in alive_nodes if node not in all_occupied_nodes ] keepalive[properties]["current_idle"] = len(idle_nodes) logger.debug( "current_idle(" + properties + ") => " + str(keepalive[properties]["current_idle"]) ) # wakeable_nodes = keep_nodes - occupied_nodes - idle_nodes wakeable_nodes: List[str] = [ node for node in keepalive[properties]["nodes"] # nor occupied or idle => absent ? # FIXME: why not directly use nodes_that_can_be_waken_up if (node not in occupied_nodes) and (node not in idle_nodes) ] # Wake up some nodes corresponding to properties if needed ok_nodes: int = ( keepalive[properties]["current_idle"] - keepalive[properties]["min"] ) # Ensure the minimum of nodes requirements for node in wakeable_nodes: if ok_nodes >= 0: break # we have a good candidate to wake up # now, check if the node has a good status if node in nodes_that_can_be_waked_up: ok_nodes += 1 # add WAKEUP: node to list of commands if not already # into the current command list if node not in nodes_list_command_running: nodes_list_to_process[node] = { "command": "WAKEUP", "timeout": -1, } logger.debug( f"Waking up {node} to satisfy '{properties}' keepalive (ok_nodes={ok_nodes}, wakeable_nodes={len(wakeable_nodes)})" ) else: # Only to log the fact that this case happened if nodes_list_command_running[node]["command"] != "WAKEUP": logger.debug( f"Wanted to wake up {node} to satisfy '{properties}' keepalive, but a command is already running on this node. So doing nothing and waiting for the next cycles to converge." ) # Retrieve list of nodes having at least one resource Alive # FIXME: another sql request that could be avoided ? # Moreover, it can lead to inconsistency between the beginning and the end of the same loop nodes_alive = [ node[0] for node in get_nodes_with_given_sql(session, "state='Alive'") ] # Checks if some booting nodes need to be suspected nodes_toRemove = [] for node, cmd_info in nodes_list_command_running.items(): if cmd_info["command"] == "WAKEUP": if node in nodes_alive: logger.debug( f"Booting node '{node}' seems now up, so removing it from running list." ) # Remove node from the list running nodes nodes_toRemove.append(node) elif tools.get_date(session) > cmd_info["timeout"]: change_node_state(session, node, "Suspected", config) info = f"Node {node} was suspected because it did not wake up before the end of the timeout" add_new_event_with_host( session, "LOG_SUSPECTED", 0, info, [node] ) # Remove suspected node from the list running nodes nodes_toRemove.append(node) # Remove this node from received list (if node is present) because it was suspected if node in nodes: nodes.remove(node) for node in nodes_toRemove: del nodes_list_command_running[node] # Checks if some nodes in list_to_remind can be processed nodes_toRemove = [] for node, cmd_info in nodes_list_to_remind.items(): if node not in nodes_list_command_running: # move this node from reminded list to list to process logger.debug( f"Adding '{node} => {cmd_info}' to list to process to remind." ) nodes_list_to_process[node] = { "command": cmd_info["command"], "timeout": -1, } for node in nodes_toRemove: del nodes_list_to_remind[node] # Checking if each couple node/command was already received or not for node in nodes: node_toRemind = False # Node will be added if it is not found among the commands node_toAdd = True if nodes_list_command_running: # Checking for node_running, cmd_info in nodes_list_command_running.items(): if node == node_running: # No need to add the node, bc we found it node_toAdd = False if command != cmd_info["command"]: # This node is already planned for an other action # We have to keep in memory this new couple node/command node_toRemind = True else: logger.debug( f"Command '{cmd_info['command']}' is already running on node '{node}'" ) if node_toAdd: # Adding couple node/command to the list to process logger.debug(f"Adding '{node}=>{command}' to list to process") nodes_list_to_process[node] = {"command": command, "timeout": -1} if node_toRemind: # Adding couple node/command to the list to remind logger.debug(f"Adding '{node}=>{command}' to list to remember") nodes_list_to_remind[node] = {"command": command, "timeout": -1} # Creating command list command_toLaunch = [] match = False # Get the timeout taking into account the number of nodes # already waking up + the number of nodes to wake up timeout = get_timeout( self.timeouts, len(nodes_list_command_running) + len(nodes_list_to_process), ) nodes_toRemove_from_list_to_process = [] for node, cmd_info in nodes_list_to_process.items(): cmd = cmd_info["command"] if cmd == "WAKEUP": # Save the timeout for the nodes to be processed. cmd_info["timeout"] = tools.get_date(session) + timeout command_toLaunch.append(("WAKEUP", node)) elif cmd == "HALT": # Don't halt nodes that needs to be kept alive match = False for properties, prop_info in keepalive.items(): nodes_keepalive = prop_info["nodes"] if node in nodes_keepalive: if prop_info["current_idle"] <= prop_info["min"]: logger.debug( "Not halting '" + node + "' because I need to keep alive " + str(prop_info["min"]) + " nodes having '" + properties + "'" ) match = True if node in nodes_list_command_running: del nodes_list_command_running[node] nodes_toRemove_from_list_to_process.append(node) # If the node is ok to be halted if not match: # Update the keepalive counts for properties, prop_info in keepalive.items(): nodes = prop_info["nodes"] if node in nodes: prop_info["current_idle"] -= 1 # Change state node to "Absent" and halt it change_node_state(session, node, "Absent", config) logger.debug( "Greta module puts node '" + node + "' in energy saving mode (state: Absent/StandBy)" ) command_toLaunch.append(("HALT", node)) else: logger.error( "Unknown command: '" + cmd + "' for node '" + node + "'" ) return 1 # Remove nodes to process list if needed # (disable HALT cmd to satisfy keepAlive condition) for node in nodes_toRemove_from_list_to_process: del nodes_list_to_process[node] # Launching commands if command_toLaunch: logger.debug("Launching commands to nodes") self.window_forker.add_commands_toLaunch(session, command_toLaunch) # Adds to running list last new launched commands for node, cmd_info in nodes_list_to_process.items(): nodes_list_command_running[node] = cmd_info # Cleaning the list to process nodes_list_to_process = {} # From # Suicide to workaround eventual memory leaks. Almighty will restart greta. # TODO ? do we need it ? count_cycles += 1 if count_cycles >= config["ENERGY_MAX_CYCLES_UNTIL_REFRESH"]: # Save state with open(self.greta_status_dump_name, "wb") as dump_file: greta_status_dump = { "nodes_list_running": nodes_list_command_running, "nodes_list_to_remind": nodes_list_to_remind, } pickle.dump(greta_status_dump, dump_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return 42 if not loop: break return 0
[docs]def command_executor(cmd_node, config, logger): command, node = cmd_node command_to_exec = 'echo "' + node + '" | ' if command == "HALT": if "ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_SLEEP_CMD" not in config: logger.error("ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_SLEEP_CMD is undefined") command_to_exec += config["ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_SLEEP_CMD"] else: if "ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKE_UP_CMD" not in config: logger.error("ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKE_UP_CMD is undefined") command_to_exec += config["ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKE_UP_CMD"] logger.debug(f"Start executor command: {command_to_exec}") result =, shell=True, capture_output=True) logger.debug(f"called: {result}") return result.returncode
[docs]class WindowForker(object): def __init__(self, window_size, timeout, config, logger): self.config = config self.timeout = timeout self.logger = logger self.pool = Pool(processes=window_size) self.executors = {}
[docs] def add_commands_toLaunch(self, session, commands): # Build strings to pass to wakeup and shutdown commands halt_nodes = [] wakeup_nodes = [] for cmd_node in commands: cmd, node = cmd_node if cmd == "HALT": halt_nodes.append(node) else: # cmd == 'WAKEUP' wakeup_nodes.append(node) if halt_nodes: add_new_event_with_host( session, "HALT_NODE", 0, "Node " + node + " halt request", halt_nodes ) if wakeup_nodes: add_new_event_with_host( session, "WAKEUP_NODE", 0, "Node " + node + " wake-up request", wakeup_nodes, ) for cmd_node in commands: cmd, node = cmd_node # FIXME: Async code here ?! self.executors[ self.pool.apply_async( command_executor, (cmd_node, self.config, self.logger) ) ] = ( node, cmd, tools.get_date(session), ) self.logger.debug(f"wtf: {self.executors}")
[docs] def check_executors(self, session, config, nodes_list_running): executors_toRemove = [] now = tools.get_date( session, ) for executor, data in self.executors.items(): self.logger.debug(f"Executor output: {executor}: {data}") node, cmd, launching_date = data if executor.ready(): # TODO executor.successful() executors_toRemove.append(executor) exit_status = executor.get() if exit_status != 0: # Suspect node if error change_node_state(session, node, "Suspected", config) message = ( "Node " + node + " was suspected because an error occurred with a command launched by Greta" ) add_new_event_with_host( session, "LOG_SUSPECTED", 0, message, [node] ) else: if cmd == "HALT": # WAKEUP case is addressed in main run loop del nodes_list_running[node] elif now - launching_date > self.timeout: executors_toRemove.append(executor) try: # Force timeout to finish executor executor.get(timeout=0) except TimeoutError: if cmd == "HALT": # WAKEUP case is addressed in main run loop # Suspect node if error change_node_state(session, node, "Suspected", config) message = ( "Node " + node + " was suspected because shutdown command launched by Greta timeouted" ) add_new_event_with_host( session, "LOG_SUSPECTED", 0, message, [node] ) del nodes_list_running[node] for executor in executors_toRemove: del self.executors[executor]
[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover config = init_config() logger = get_logger("oar.modules.greta", config=config, forward_stderr=True) greta = Greta(config, logger) if greta.exit_code: return greta.exit_code return
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover sys.exit(main())