
This command prints informations about cluster resources (state, which jobs on which resources, resource properties, …).


-r, --resource     show the properties of the resource whose id is given as
-s, --state        show the states of the nodes
-l, --list         show the nodes list
-e, --events       show the events recorded for a node either since the date
                   given as parameter or the last 20
    --sql          display resources which matches the SQL where clause
                   (ex: "state = 'Suspected'")
-D, --dumper       print result in Perl Data::Dumper format
-X, --xml          print result in XML format
-Y, --yaml         print result in YAML format
-J, --json         print result in JSON format


# oarnodes
# oarnodes -s
# oarnodes --sql "state = 'Suspected'"